Kidney disease: Who is at risk?

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It can occur in all genders and ages, from children, teenagers, adults, and is more common in the elderly because kidney function declines with age. There are also other risk groups as follows:

  • People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease
  • People who regularly eat spicy food 
  • People who drink little water or the amount they drink is not in line with their body. 
  • People who regularly take NSAIDs or herbal pain relievers
  • People who take large doses of dietary supplements for long periods of time

Can kidney disease be cured?

Kidney disease can be treated in many ways, depending on the cause and severity of the disease. If it is detected early, it can be treated promptly, diagnosed and treated to return to normal or slow down the deterioration of the kidneys to prevent it from becoming severe enough to require dialysis. However, if it is detected late, treatment will be difficult as well. There are treatment methods as follows:

Treatment of acute renal failure

Focuses on stopping or correcting the cause of acute renal failure and treating it to reduce symptoms and prevent possible complications.

1. Treat the root cause, correct shock, stop using NSAIDs and herbal medicines, maintain the body’s water balance, urinary tract obstruction, and some viral or bacterial infections. 

2. Dialysis Dialysis or blood dialysis is a treatment that helps replace lost kidney function so that the body can continue to function in the most balanced state possible.

3. Symptomatic treatment: Diuretics to reduce swelling, treatment to reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks, treatment to reduce pain and swelling in the body.

Treatment of chronic kidney failure

1. Kidney transplantation 

can extend the life of the patient by an average of 10-20 years, depending on the quality of the kidney, self-care, and regular medication intake to prevent the immune system from destroying the new kidney.

2. Peritoneal dialysis 

balances water, minerals, and various chemicals to purify waste from the blood 4-6 times per day. 

3. Hemodialysis 

uses a filter to clean the blood and return it to the patient. This method requires treatment 3 times a week, 4 hours each time, and the patient must travel to the hospital or kidney center for treatment only.

4. Palliative care 

For patients with other diseases such as cancer or severe heart and lung disease, doctors will consider providing only palliative care.

5. Behavior modification 

Patients should change their lifestyle behavior, such as controlling their diet, avoiding salt, refraining from smoking, exercising regularly, and not buying and taking medicine by themselves.

“Kidney Disease” is a cause of premature death. Because patients in the early stages often do not show any abnormal symptoms, they lose important opportunities for treatment. Do you have symptoms of kidney disease? You should check your kidney health and screen for kidney disease before it is too late.