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Getting to know “childhood epilepsy”

Epilepsy in children, if parents are aware, their children will be safe. Epilepsy in children is one of the diseases that causes distress to parents. The causes of this disease can be many. It may be due to genetics, neurological disorders, accidents that affect the

Aedes mosquito, a vector of dengue fever

Dengue fever is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, a vector of dengue fever. It can be found in both children and adults. It is caused by the dengue virus, of which there are four types. If you have had dengue fever, you can get infected

Kidney disease: Who is at risk?

It can occur in all genders and ages, from children, teenagers, adults, and is more common in the elderly because kidney function declines with age. There are also other risk groups as follows: Can kidney disease be cured? Kidney disease can be treated in many